Guests Join Avanza Cuba via Skype from Havana

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Avanza Cuba: tu negocio en la Red

MIAMI- In a first for U.S. government-sponsored civilian broadcasting to Cuba, Radio and TV Martí, has just aired a new edition of Avanza Cuba (Cuba Forward) featuring guests live via Skype from Havana, Cuba. Produced in collaboration with Miami Dade College, the episode, titled “Tu Negocio en la RED”(Your Business on the Web) examined the current state of technology in Cuba and how entrepreneurs can use the Internet to grow their businesses, despite the limitations and censorship on the island.

“Openly communicating via Skype on Radio and TV Martí is another important step in allowing the free flow of information from Cuba, it is a perfect example of how people in Cuba have lost their fear,” said Carlos García Pérez, Director of the Office of Cuba Broadcasting, which manages Radio and TV Martí.

The show was broadcast live from Miami-Dade College’s Wolfson Campus auditorium on February 5 and distributed on Radio and TV Martí, as well as on Journalist Karen Caballero moderated the program, which was the 10th edition of Avanza Cuba. Business owners, academics, college students, bloggers, and journalists from Miami and Spain also participated in the discussions.

Guest expert Wilfrido Lopez assured the panel that although the island is connected to the web, the general public has very little access. For those who are able to connect, however, access is invaluable. Blogger and author of Generation Y, Yoani Sanchez from Havana said, “The Internet has given me economic autonomy which ultimately equates to political autonomy.” She added, “The Internet has made me freer.”

Avanza Cuba is produced by Radio and TV Martí, to serve as an open forum offering Cubans around the world the opportunity to communicate, learn and share experiences in a united effort to move “Cuba Forward.”

The Martís, based in Miami are operated by the Office of Cuba Broadcasting, part of the independent U.S. government agency, the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG).

For more information on Avanza Cuba or Radio and TV Martí, please contact Gina Barroso at 305 437 7153 or via email at