Yoani Sánchez Visits the Martís

Yoani visita Martí Noticias

Yoani visita Martí Noticias

Cuban blogger Yoani Sánchez made a live, in-person appearance yesterday at the Martís’ headquarters in Miami as part of her 80-day world tour to raise awareness about human rights issues in Cuba.

“I speak with many activists and people around the country for whom you are the only source of information… and I wanted to thank you on their behalf,” she said. “You are doing an important job.”

This was the first time she had met many of the Martí staff, despite working with them for years. Yoani, as she is invariably called, is a regular contributor to the Martís and has been a strong advocate for press freedom. Her blog Generación Y has made her the most prominent member of a small community of Cuban bloggers.

Yoani met with Office of Cuba Broadcasting Director Carlos García Pérez and members of the senior staff before appearing live on the radio program Con Voz Propia (With Your Own Voice) and recording a special edition of Las Noticias Como Son, Radio Marti’s daily news magazine, both of which will be transmitted via radio, TV and streamed online at martinoticias.com.

“Yoani is a perfect example of what the people of Cuba can do when they set their hearts and minds to something,” said García Pérez. “Our goal is to work with her so that soon there will be hundreds if not thousands of people like her, writing, blogging, tweeting and sharing their ideas with the rest of the world.”

Yoani left Cuba on February 17th and has since visited three continents and met with officials including members of Congress in Washington, D.C. While in Washington she also stopped at the Broadcasting Board of Governors and was interviewed by Voice of America. The Martís have provided ongoing coverage of her journey which is expected to conclude with a return to Cuba where she will continue blogging and soon launch an online newspaper.

The Martís, based in Miami are operated by the Office of Cuba Broadcasting, part of the independent U.S. government agency, the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG).

For more information on Radio and TV Martí, please contact Gina Barroso at 305-437-7153 or via email at gbarroso@ocb.ibb.gov.